As I read the article of NZ student accepts $32,000 bid for virginity, I feel so shock because I never expect that their is someone who will sale her body into the strangers in order to get money in the purpose of her personal needs. But also I feel so sorry for her because she lost a very important thing which symbolize to the dignity and can be proud of with the girls and with the future husband which is being virgin until the stage of married came. But nowadays, being virgin is not a big deal for some other girls because as I can see it in our generation, they easily lost it due to their too much curiosity and also lack of financial needs so some of them will become prostitute as they lifetime work. But I'm sure they don't want that kind of work but some of them who are lack in education will stay in that job if that is be called a "JOB"?!. They just do that thing in order to survive the poverty they belong!! They do that in order to pay their debts, tuition and so on and so fort... They think that their is no other solution of it and they never think for any consequences. It maybe led them in pregnancy. And some of them will be pregnant but sad to say, they never plan it so they will come up in a very immortal decision which is "ABORTION".
As I can see it, even you have a billion money, being virgin will never go back if you lost it already.. It will be a longtime and I'm sure you will gonna regret if you lost it at the wrong time!
All we know that for sailing your body or being a prostitute is not a good solution with your financial problem. As it is an immortal sin with God and it can destroy your good future. It is a good privileged to our husband if we are still virgin when we get married. So, as a youth! I can say that "Take care of our decision and don't let our mind work for the curiosity of "SEX". Let it happen in the right time and the right person.
For those people who did a wrong decision and lost their virginity, let them our lesson and as possible don't do or follow their wrong decision because I'm sure they will never want that somebody will follow their wrong path of their life!And always remember that their is always a solution with our problem. Like the bible said in Luke 1:37, for with God nothing is impossible.
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