
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Blog entry no. 1(the people and events that influenced me most throughout my life)

* Who are people or events that influenced you most throughout your life?

I was influenced with my parents and my friends but throughout my life, my parents has a greatest influenced with me because in every time, I will reminisce all my experiences and struggles as a young lady or as a simple girl, they always keep on touch with me. Even though how busy they are, they always gave time and effort to care with us. They always showing what is right and wrong. They also teach me on how to be a good person. And they influence me in terms of our religion that keep me strong and have faith with our savior whom God. They open my eyes as I can't see the darkness of my soul. So, our being christian is one of the greatest influence that they do with me. They one of the reason why I decided to be "baptist" so when I was being "baptist" on January 23, 2010 (born in spiritual); I see the light of peace and its keep my eyes opened with the greatest things that had been created of God. That event was the greatest influenced throughout my life because now, I assure that I've been so different with my past life. And also my friends influenced me in the way that I found a happiness and enjoyment with their company as a teenager. They also one of the reason why I still want to be a teenager forever because I want to go back with the things that we've done and feel the life of being a young. They also teach me on how to understand, accept and adapt the different attitudes and differences of being a human. They are my achievements that I never neglected because I was feel complete with their present.

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