
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Blog entry no. 2(the goals or accomplishment I would like to reach or attain this year)

* What are goals or accomplishments you would like to reach or attain this year?

I have so many goals and plan with my life but within this year, I would like to continue my study as a freshmen student in college. But before that, I do hope that I'm one of the graduating student of Lupon Vocational High School who will going to march on this coming March,2010. Probably, this year was my greatest happiness because I will be graduated in high school. I have so many plan this year. I want to have a job within this summer vacation because I want to help my parents in terms of our financial need. I know studying in college involved more money on order to finish your course so before I will going to enrolled in college, I want to help them to search or find money even though in a short period of time for my tuition and so on and so fort. So, now I was thinking to be a practical person. I maybe enrolling in a two years course or if my parents don't have money I will going in a short term course but it all dependent with our money and also with the help of God. But as of now, I was waiting for the plan of God, it maybe God will send me some chances that can help me. If there is the chance, so why I'm going to hesitate?; I will accept it and take the chance as a challenge. I was hoping that all my goals or accomplishments will achieve and all my plan within this year will be attained.

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